Mary M Cerullo
Dutton Children's Books
Pub. Date
Physical Desc
64 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), col. maps ; 23 x 26 cm.
An exploration of two strikingly different shipwrecks. For those who know how to interpret its secrets, a sunken ship has many tales to tell. The stories of the lives of those aboard its last voyage are revealed in the objects scattered around the shipwreck. Then there are the stories of the many ocean creatures that have found a home inside the broken hull. Two shipwrecks, separated by two thousand miles and two centuries, share a common history...
Lava shoots in the air, then bubbles down mountains, flattening, burning, and boiling everything in its path. The destructive forces of volcanoes are terrifying and well-known. But, what about their other forces? Volcanoes can spur new growth of plants and trees. In the water, they create an environment where coral reefs and sea life can thrive. In fact, the meeting of volcanic fire and ocean water gave way to life on Earth. Award-winning children's...
The light was too dim to get a good shot without using the flash. He turned on his strobe. The high pitched whine drove the sharks into a frenzy. They began to ram the divers with their snouts. It was the closest the divers had ever come to being shark bait. Follow photographer Jeff Rotmans diving team into the shark-infested waters of Cocos Island to discover sharks' secrets, and perhaps to save their lives.
Most people avoid great white sharks, but shark divers go looking for them! Diver and photographer Jeff Rotman goes to extremes to find and photograph great whites in their natural habitats. It takes a shark cage, a blood and fish recipe, patience, and courage to get up close photos of these powerful hunters. Discover the secrets of the great white, and what it's like to meet one face to face.
What's got 3,000 tiny teeth and a 4-foot-wide mouth? The whale shark or "the friendliest shark in the sea," according to diver and photographer Jeff Rotman. But friendly or not, these school-bus-size fish can be intimidating as Jeff finds out! Join him on his quest to reveal the quiet mysteries of filter feeders such as the whale shark and basking sharks, and why these giant creatures need our help.
Sharks don't deserve the bad press they get, according to diver and photographer Jeff Rotman. Dive with him to the ocean floor to see the sharks and other creatures he calls living sculptures, from stingrays to the unusual wobbegong shark and other fascinating species. Look beyond the headlines and get to know the real story of sharks, their surprising beauty, and the important roles they play in their underwater world.
Journey across the Pacific Ocean and investigate the mystery connecting three different animals from the California Current to the polar waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Become an ocean detective and discover the connection between a seabird, a whale, and a penguin; and maybe you'll uncover the sea secret that links them all. This book invites young readers to explore ocean ecosystems and their food webs. Field sketches, watercolors, and photographs...