Gustave Flaubert
Sentimental Education, by Gustave Flaubert, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics:
• New introductions commissioned from todays top writers and scholars
• Biographies of the authors
• Chronologies...
2) Salammbo
French novelist and short story writer, Gustave Flaubert, was considered to be a master of style, obsessively devoted to finding the right word in every piece of literature he produced. As a child he expressed great imagination and took in all the stories he could from his nurse and neighbors, and in doing so, he prepared himself for a life consumed by literature and history. In addition to his "Madame Bovary", his first published novel and the one...
La opinión de Baudelaire sobre Madame Bovary es, sin duda, la que sigue manteniéndose hoy. Para él, como para nosotros ahora, Madame Bovary es una obra de arte. El artículo, que publica en la revista L'Artiste, en aquel, año de 1857, es un modelo de inteligencia crítica: "Una novela, ¡y qué novela! La más imparcial, la más leal". Él es el primero, y durante bastante tiempo el único, en afirmar que la dimensión moral del texto es secundaria,...
Félicité is a French maid, who is devoted to helping her mistress and her two children navigate their new life following her husband's untimely death. Despite her lack of formal skills, Félicité is an endearing figure who brings warmth and stability into their lives.
In nineteenth-century France, Félicité works as a loyal housemaid to her mistress, Madame Aubain. She tends to her two children and is a constant source of support for the family....
Une édition de référence de Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert, spécialement conçue pour la lecture sur les supports numériques.
« Emma ressemblait à toutes les maîtresses ; et le charme de la nouveauté, peu à peu tombant comme un vêtement, laissait voir à nu l'éternelle monotonie de la passion, qui a toujours les mêmes formes et le même langage. Il ne distinguait pas, cet homme si plein de pratique, la dissemblance des sentiments...
Par un chaud dimanche d'été, près du bassin du port de l'Arsenal, sur le boulevard Bourdon, à Paris, deux promeneurs, Bouvard et Pécuchet, se rencontrent par hasard sur un banc public et font connaissance. Ils s'aperçoivent qu'ils ont eu tous deux l'idée d'écrire leur nom dans leur chapeau : « Alors ils se considérèrent. ». Tombés sous le charme l'un de l'autre, Bouvard et Pécuchet découvrent que non seulement ils exercent le même...
In Three Short Works, three character-driven stories follow each protagonist as they attempt to navigate the trials and tribulations of life, death, love and loss. Flaubert presents a powerful combination of realism and romanticism that jumps off the page.
Three Short Works consists of three distinct stories. "The Dance of Death" centers on the plight of the Grim Reaper or Death, as he complains about his difficult job and unenviable title. In "The...
8) Three Tales
First published in French in 1877, "Three Tales" is a collection of three short stories by the celebrated French novelist Gustave Flaubert. The first story in this collection "A Simple Soul" is a story of love and spiritual awakening seen through the simple and apparently unremarkable life of a servant girl. While she has little materially, she retains her ability to love and is devoted to others. "The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier" is an...
L'éducation sentimentale est un roman de Gustave Flaubert, inspiré de ses expériences amoureuses. Il retrace la vie de Frédéric Moreau, jeune étudiant qui veut intégrer la haute société. Frédéric quitte Paris pour Nogent-sur-Seine à bord d'un bateau. Il y rencontre le couple Arnoux, et tombe éperdument amoureux de Madame Arnoux. Une fois arrivé, il retrouve Charles Deslauriers, son meilleur ami et lui raconte son coup de foudre avec...
10) Trois contes
Une édition de référence de Trois Contes de Gustave Flaubert, spécialement conçue pour la lecture sur les supports numériques.
« Elle avait eu, comme une autre, son histoire d'amour. […]
Un soir du mois d'août (elle avait alors dix-huit ans), ils l'entraînèrent à l'assemblée de Colleville. Tout de suite, elle fut étourdie, stupéfaite par le tapage des ménétriers, les lumières dans les arbres, la bigarrure des costumes, les dentelles,...
The Temptation of Saint Anthony Gustave Flaubert - "The Temptation of Saint Anthony (Historical Novel)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.The Temptation of Saint Anthony is a historical novel. It takes as its subject the famous temptation faced by Saint Anthony the Great in the Egyptian desert, a theme often repeated in medieval and modern art. It is written in the form of a play script. It details one...
The last work written by Flaubert that was not quite complete by his death in 1880, "Bouvard and Pecuchet" is his characteristically satirical work revolving around two Parisian copy-clerks. Though they meet on a park bench in the middle of a hot summer day, their friendship grows to a remarkable degree, so much so that when one receives an unexpected inheritance, they both decide to dedicate themselves to the exploration of ideas in the countryside....
13) Salammb
Extrait : "C'était à Mégara, faubourg de Carthage, dans les jardins d'Hamilcar. Les soldats qu'il avait commandés en Sicile se donnaient un grand festin pour célébrer le jour anniversaire de la bataille d'Eryx, et comme le maître était absent et qu'ils se trouvaient nombreux, ils mangeaient et buvaient en pleine liberté. Les capitaines, portant des cothurnes de bronze, s'étaient placés dans le chemin du milieu..."
La antigua crítica los asqueaba, quisieron conocer la
nueva y se hicieron enviar las reseñas de las piezas en
los diarios.
¡Qué aplomo! ¡Qué terquedad! ¡Qué falta de
probidad! ¡Ultrajes a las obras maestras, reverencias
para las banalidades, y las burradas de los que pasan
por sabios, y la estupidez de los otros, a los que se
proclama espirituales!
¿Habría tal vez que remitirse al público?
Pero las obras festejadas muchas veces les
"Sin duda habrá alegría sobre la tierra cuando ese vampiro mentiroso e hipócrita que todos llaman civilización termine de morir. Dejaremos el manto real, el cetro, los diamantes, el palacio que se derrumba, la ciudad que cae, para volver a juntarnos con la yegua y la loba. Tras haber pasado su vida en los palacios, gastado sus pies sobre las baldosas de las grandes ciudades, el hombre irá a morir a los bosques."
En 1838, a los diecisiete años,...
El espectáculo que nos entrega Flaubert es la historia de un joven provinciano, idealista y enamoradizo que se desdibuia en el devenir de sus días en París entre miserias personales, desilusiones cobradas con bajezas y la pudiente sociedad burguesa retratada en sus fiestas extravagantes, amoríos, adulterios... Al final, el desencanto de una vida.
17) Salambo
This compelling portrait of obsessive love is drawn against the backdrop of ancient Carthage after a fierce battle. It is the story of the beautiful high priestess Salambo, who beguiles the leader of the invading army and sets in motion a horrific tragedy. Stylistically, it is one of Flaubert's more colorful and romantic ventures.
18) Salambo
Publicado em 1862, «Salambo» evoca a civilização cartaginesa, aquando da revolta dos mercenários que se seguiu à primeira guerra púnica. Mais do que um romance histórico, esta obra surge como uma sucessão de momentos estéticos pintados com grande brilhantismo.
19) Un coeur simple
A servant girl named Felicite. After her one and only love Theodore purportedly marries a well-to-do woman to avoid conscription, Felicite quits the farm where she works and heads to another location, where she picks up work in a widow's house as a servant. Despite her life being seemingly pointless, she has within her the power to love. She also carries within her a yearning, a majestic quasi-religious sensibility.
The author of Madame Bovary counted among his correspondents Theophile Gautier, Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, and his close friend George Sand (Amantine Dupin). These letters, mostly from the latter half of the great writer's life, offer unique glimpses into Flaubert's emotions, relationships, critical mind, and work. The volume also includes are four short works: an early drama, "The Dance of Death;" an early essay, "Rabelais;" "Preface...