Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
This edition includes a modern introduction and a list of suggested further reading. The literary sensation The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) launched its twenty-five year old author on the world stage overnight. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's novel gave voice to young bourgeois intellectuals who despaired of finding fulfillment and authenticity in a hierarchical, convention-bound society.
In the novel, Werther, a social rebel with artistic leanings,...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, con su excepcional habilidad para representar con precisión los movimientos más sutiles y complejos del alma, es posiblemente uno de los grandes de la literatura mundial y el escritor más destacado en lengua alemana. "Las penas del joven Werther" es una novela epistolar publicada por Goethe en 1774, que se convirtió en un fenómeno literario y cultural de su tiempo. Esta novela, que refleja la sensibilidad romántica...
Faust: A Tragedy (German: Faust. Eine Tragödie), or retrospectively Faust. Der Tragödie / erster Teil) is the first part of the tragic play Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and is considered by many as the greatest work of German literature. It was first published in 1808. The first part of Faust is not divided into acts, but is structured as a sequence of scenes in a variety of settings. After a dedicatory poem and a prelude in the theater,...
5) Egmont
In "Egmont", Goethe relates the fight of Count Egmont (1522-1568) against the despotic Duke of Alba. Egmont is a famous Dutch warrior and the Duke of Alba represents the Spanish invader. Though under threat of arrest, Egmont refuses to run away and give up his ideal of liberty. Imprisoned and abandoned because of the cowardice of his people, and despite the desperate efforts of his mistress Klaerchen, he is sentenced to death. Thus, faced with her...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born on 28th August 1749 in Frankfurt, All of his siblings died at a young age except for his sister Cornelia and he was home schooled by his father and a range of tutors. He went to Leipzig to study law but preferred writing poetry. However, from these relatively unremarkable beginnings blossomed a remarkable life. Goethe became the most important cultural icon of his time. Whilst his influence is most closely seen...
Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend who makes a pact with the Devil in exchange for knowledge. The meaning of the word and name has been reinterpreted through the ages. "Faust" has taken on a connotation distinct from its original use, and is often used today to describe a person whose headstrong desire for self-fulfillment leads him or her in a diabolical direction.
German writer Johann Goethe's novella "Elective Affinities" is a singular book which attracts both creative minds and pragmatic minds. Romantics at heart will be drawn to the convoluted love affair; married couple Eduard and Charlotte invite two close friends to live with them on their idyllic estate for a short time. The innocent invitation takes an unexpected turn though, as each of the spouses become attracted to their guests. Eduard falls in love...
9) Novelle
Aus einem Zirkus entlaufen zwei Raubtiere - ein Tiger und ein Löwe. Als eine Fürstin von dem Tiger angegriffen wird, wird dieser von einem Begleiter erschossen. Die Schaustellerfamilie fürchtet nun um das Leben des Löwen. Tatsächlich gelingt es dem Sohn der Familie, den Löwen aus seinem Versteck zu locken und ihn damit vor dem gewaltsamen Tod zu bewahren. Parabelhaft birgt diese Geschichte die Erkenntnis, dass der Mächtige durch Kunst und Liebe...
Um dos primeiros livros de Goethe, provavelmente de caráter autobiográfico, este romance caracteriza-se por seu teor epistolar, pois se trata da reprodução de cartas que o Jovem Werther teria escrito ao narrador por muito tempo. A obra, narrada na primeira pessoa, com economia de personagens, tem em suas notas de rodapé a indicação de que nomes e locais foram substituídos por dados fictícios, o que contribui para que se acredite na transposição...
Por más que Las confesiones de un alma bella constituya un texto de carácter literario, en él se encierra un interés filosófico, al menos a juzgar por la extensión del concepto de "alma bella" en la filosofía del siglo xviii, como se encuentra en Rousseau, Hegel, Schiller, entre otros. No obstante su origen se remonta hasta Platón, y de este a Plotino, de Plotino a san Agustín y de aquí a la mística alemana de la baja Edad Media y a la...
The writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was an authentic Renaissance man: excellent in poetry, drama, literature, science, philosophy, painting, and politics, considered by many as the principal author of the German language. "Elective Affinities" is one of his major works. When Goethe chose this title, "Wahlverwandtschaften" was a technical term used only in chemistry. The connotations later acquired - in German and other languages - are largely due...
Goetz de Berlichingen, el caballero de la mano de hierro, fue en la realidad histórica un caballero imperial, militar, escritor y aventurero del Sacro imperio germánico de la Alemania del XVI, que convierte Goethe en figura poética y caballeresca, influenciado por los éxitos de Shakespeare.
Goetz vive en su castillo, siempre dispuesto a la aventura. Weislingen, hombre influyente en la corte del obispo de Bamberg, es hecho prisionero por Goetz,...
Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend who makes a pact with the Devil in exchange for knowledge. The meaning of the word and name has been, reinterpreted through the ages. "Faust" has taken on a connotation distinct from its original use, and is often, used today to describe a person whose headstrong desire for self-fulfillment leads him or her in a diabolical direction.
The original tale of moral destruction, in a brand-new translation: Faust is a man torn between the urges of the living world and the significance of moral living. He feels nothing, he lives for nothing, and thus engages in a wager with Mephistopheles, the devil himself. Goethe's master work shares the deep complexity of a human life, rife with pain, mistakes and dynamic complexity.
With Faust, the lushly lyrical and philosophically brilliant drama...
Short excerpt: "Were, then, these Switzers free? Free, these opulent burghers in their little pent-up towns-free, those poor devils on their rocks and crags? What is it that man cannot be made to believe, especially when he cherishes in his heart the memory of some old tale of marvel? Once, forsooth, they did break a tyrant's yoke, and might for the moment fancy themselves free; but out of the carcase of the single oppressor the good sun, by a strange...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, con su excepcional habilidad para retratar de manera precisa los movimientos más sutiles y complejos del alma, es indiscutiblemente uno de los grandes nombres de la literatura mundial y el principal escritor en lengua alemana. En "Los años de aprendizaje de Guillermo Meister", Goethe narra la trayectoria del joven Wilhelm Meister, hijo de una pareja de la burguesía alemana. Contrariando las expectativas de la familia,...
Wilhelm goes through deep self-realisation and decides to escape his empty life of a bourgeois businessman. After a failed romance with the theatre, Wilhelm commits himself to the mysterious Tower Society. A coming-of-age tale, a story of education and disillusionment, a novel of ideas ranging across literature, philosophy and politics, a masterpiece that resists all pigeonholing.
Beloved by the gods for his wisdom, the demigod Tantalus was once invited to their fellowship. Becoming boisterous whilst celebrating with them, he began to boast, and he stole the gods' nectar and ambrosia, their food of immortality. When the gods came to see Tantalus in turn, he tested their omniscience by offering his own son Pelops to them as their meal. Offended by the deception, the gods banished Tantalus from their community to Tartarus and...