Michael Lyons
First published in 1859, "The Haunted House" is a trio of short stories written ("conducted") by Charles Dickens for the weekly periodical "All the Year Round". Originally, a "portmanteau" story, Dickens wrote the opening and closing stories of a collection that included contributions by Wilkie Collins and Elizabeth Gaskell, among others. Each story has an element of the strange, scary or supernatural, making it perfect for reading on winter nights...
"Meek little Mole, willful Ratty, Badger the perennial bachelor, and petulant Toad. Since their first appearance over a hundred years ago in 1908, they've become emblematic archetypes of eccentricity, folly, and friendship. And their misadventures--in gypsy caravans, stolen sports cars, and their beloved Wild Wood--continue to capture readers' imaginations and warm their hearts long after they grow up. Begun as a series of letters from Kenneth Grahame...
Retirement's rough when you have to stop the apocalypse.
A man who may be the Antichrist is walking the streets of Pittsburgh. Or maybe he's just a jagoff insurance salesman with a big ego and good shoes.
An egotistical buffoon Archangel decides the man is the real deal and that it's his job to intervene to stop the end of the world. Even though the Big Guy Upstairs frowns on this kind of interference with his entertainment.
Julian 'Jilly' Tetanich...