Absolutely Delicious: A Chronicle of Extraordinary Dying
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3h 37m 0s
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Grouped Work ID | 8081fcbc-e0b3-2a91-8dc5-200d52eaf6f7-eng |
Full title | absolutely delicious a chronicle of extraordinary dying |
Author | lester alison jean |
Grouping Category | book |
Last Update | 2024-05-15 02:00:58AM |
Last Indexed | 2024-12-07 03:52:34AM |
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Image Source | hoopla |
First Loaded | Jun 13, 2022 |
Last Used | Nov 15, 2023 |
Hoopla Extract Information
stdClass Object ( [year] => 2020 [artist] => Alison Jean Lester [fiction] => [coverImageUrl] => https://cover.hoopladigital.com/dra_9781838112424_270.jpeg [titleId] => 14324224 [isbn] => 9781838112424 [abridged] => [language] => ENGLISH [profanity] => [title] => Absolutely Delicious [demo] => [segments] => Array ( ) [duration] => 3h 37m 0s [children] => [artists] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Alison Jean Lester [artistFormal] => Lester, Alison Jean [relationship] => AUTHOR ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [name] => Alison Jean Lester [artistFormal] => Lester, Alison Jean [relationship] => READER ) ) [genres] => Array ( [0] => Self Help ) [price] => 1.29 [id] => 14324224 [edited] => [kind] => AUDIOBOOK [active] => 1 [upc] => [synopsis] => After a life marbled with exploration, academia, and domesticity, the writer Valerie Lester retired to a residential hospice and set about enjoying the final act of her life. She knew just where she wanted to be, with whom, doing what, and she communicated this to her family and friends with clarity and consistency. She died nine weeks later, having engaged in dying with equanimity, curiosity, and even amusement. In Absolutely Delicious, Valerie's daughter describes the roads leading to her mother's cooperation with her terminal disease and her decision to forego treatments that might have prolonged her life, but also might have ruined her death. It is a story that illuminates the benefits of acceptance and the many gifts offered by daring to own one's end. The book encapsulates, in the very best way, how we ultimately consist of our relationships and effects on other people, and how dying can be a very beautiful event. [url] => https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/14324224 [pa] => [subtitle] => A Chronicle of Extraordinary Dying [publisher] => Findaway Voices [purchaseModel] => INSTANT )