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A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for selected works by Andre Gide, winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Literature. Titles in this study guide include The Immoralist, The Notebooks of Andre Walter, Urien's Travels, Strait Is The Gate, The Counterfeiters, The Pastoral Symphony, Isabelle, Robert and Genevieve, The Vatican Swindle, Fruits of the Earth, Prometheus Misbound, Corydon, and excerpts from his personal...
Discover rare and interesting facts about The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg! A mention of the accolades of the book.
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Every copy contains a bonus book from our bestselling title to download and read yours absolutely free. Double the value with extra features included. About Us Top 50 Facts is an...
Résumé de Le pouvoir du moment present - Nous devons laisser derrière nous notre esprit analytique et son faux moi fabriqué, l'ego, afin de voyager dans le Maintenant. Nous voyageons rapidement à une altitude nettement supérieure o nous respirons un air plus léger. Nous nous connectons au principe indestructible de notre Être.Bien que le chemin soit difficile, il nous guide à travers lui en utilisant un langage simple et une structure de...
The Girls of Atomic City: by Denise Kiernan Conversation Starters. Many people are familiar with the famous image of Rosie the Riveter that circulated throughout the World War II era. In fact, today, Rosie the Riveter has become a bit of an icon for women. However, many people do not know the story of the woman behind the image. Denise Kiernan has set out to tell that story with her biographical novel, The Girls of Atomic City. The book tells the...
Aldcroft, Derek. Europa en crisis: Las consecuencias económicas de la guerra y la paz (1919-1929).
Aldcroft, Derek. Historia de la economía europea, 1914-1980. Capítulo 3: Crisis económica y recuperación (1929-1939). Capítulo 4: Guerra y reconstrucción (1940-1950).
Barbero, María Inés: La revolución industrial en Inglaterra, Europa y Estados Unidos: Una comparación el comienzo del proceso de industrialización en el continente europeo.
This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.
Summary of For Love of Country by Frank Bruni: Leave the Democrat Party Behind
• Chapter provides an astute outline of the main contents.
• Fast & simple understanding of the content analysis.
• Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, one of Shakespeare's most moving and richest works.
As a tragedy of Roman and Egyptian history, Shakespeare reaches the pinnacle point of his poetic evolution as he transitions in works. Moreover, by the use of rhythm, images, figures, and verse, he makes every experience personally felt by the reader. This Bright Notes...
A comprehensive study guide offering an in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for analyzing works of fiction, including the analysis of plot, theme, style, and tone.
As students of literature, understanding the tools, and methods for understanding fiction is critical to becoming better readers, writers, and thinkers. Knowledge of the components of fiction, the various structures of fiction writing, and the literary devices used, all enhance...
Americanah: by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Conversation Starters Americanah, speaking of race issues in the United States, through the eyes of the protagonist, Ifemelu. It also shows some insight into the problems of immigrants and racial issues in the United Kingdom through the eyes of Ifemelu's first boyfriend, Obinze. The book also deals with the economic problems in Nigeria due to corruption and the lack of will of the government and the wealthy...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for selected works by Herbert Marcuse, a famous western philosopher. Titles in this study guide include A Critique of Pure Tolerance, An Essay on Liberation, Counterrevolution and Revolt, Eros and Civilization, and One Dimensional Man. As a sociologist, philosopher, and political theorist of the twentieth-century, his theories launched the New Left movement in the Western...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which was an immediate critical success upon its release in 1964.
As a novel of the late 1900s, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was a product of Kesey's drug stimulated imagination, and much of the original material was written under the influence of LSD and peyote which Kesey took to induce in himself a state of mind...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for Ole Rolvaag's Giant in the Earth, a historical fiction novel originally published in Norwegian.
As a novel of the twentieth-century, Giants in the Earth tells the story of Norwegian pioneers. Moreover, many of the accounts throughout the book are personal encounters of Rolvaag and his wife. This Bright Notes Study Guide explores the context and history of Ole Rolvaag's...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee's Inherit the Wind, a political play that fictionalized the 1925 Scopes "Monkey" Trial.
As a play of the 1950's, Inherit the Wind defended intellectual freedom. Moreover, the play intended to denounce the state of McCarthyism at the time. This Bright Notes Study Guide explores the context and history of Lawrence and Lee's classic...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, believed by many readers to be, based on the true story of a real-life castaway, Alexander Selkirk.
As a novel of the eighteenth-century, Robinson Crusoe sparked the movement of realistic fiction as a literary genre and led to the rise in publication of castaway novels. Moreover, the book has gone on to become one of the most broadly...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for selected works by Euripides, one of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose work has survived. Titles in this study guide include Rhesus, Iphigenia In Aulis, Bacchae, Phoenissae, Orestes, Electra, Trojan Women, Helen, Iphigenia In Tauris, Ion, Suppliants, Hecuba, Heracles, Cyclops, A Satyr-Play, Andromache, Heracleidae, Hippolytus, Medea, and Alcestis.
As a Greek...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex, the book that arguably stands as the stepping-stone for all other feminists' work. As a work of post-WWII, The Second Sex stirred up controversy, as women in France and America, had just earned their right to vote and men, who fought on the front returned home to reclaim the jobs that had been, filled by women. Moreover, the fight...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for William Shakespeare's The Tempest, speculated to be one of the last plays he ever wrote as well as the most compressed.
As a dramatic work of the early seventeenth century, it has heavy elements of masque, which includes singing, dancing, supernatural machinery, and a general feeling of unreality. Moreover, The Tempest covers themes regarding the soul and the...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for Charlotte Brönte's Jane Eyre, a story of a young woman who challenged social norms.
As a classic novel written in the Victorian era, Jane Eyre is, thought to be one of the reasons women equality has progressed to the extent that it has. Moreover, the novel discusses still-relevant social issues such as women's employment, genteel poverty, marriage, and education....
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for selected works by D.H. Lawrence, distinguished British writer and poet. Titles in this study guide include Sons and Lovers, The Plumed Serpent, The Rainbow, and Women in Love.
As a controversial writer of the twentieth-century, Lawrence unknowingly shaped early modernism. Moreover, his reflections of human behavior depict the effects that industrialism had on the...
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for the Old Testament, the first and longest section of the Christian bible.
As a collection of ancient religious Hebrew writings, the Old Testament contains thirty-nine books, containing stories that span thousands of years. Moreover, the Old Testament gives readers a look into the history and the beginning of the Christian religion. This Bright Notes Study Guide explores...
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