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The Qur'an is, believed by Muslims to be the final word of God revealed to humanity through Prophet Muhammad speaking to all humans for all times. This nature of Islam's holy book brings along a continuous study of it so that its injunctions are, reinterpreted according to constantly changing times and conditions of our world. This book presents such interpretations from a respected Muslim scholar who explains verses for the modern age. Gülen is...
Fortress of the Muslim by Sa'id Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani is arguably the most famous anthology of Adkhar and Dua's of the Messenger of Allah (s). The original compilation is one of the most authentic collections available and has become the most popular dua book in the Muslim world today. Making dua to Allah frequently and with full submission has many benefits-it increases iman, gives hope and relief to the distressed, and saves the supplicant...
Dr. Shari'ati explores the question of the relevance of Islamic values for the modern world. What Is To Be Done; The Enlightened Thinkers and an Islamic Renaissance is a collection of lectures Dr. Shari'ati delivered in the 1970s, dealing with the definition of an intellectual, his role in the society and his responsibility, play the role of social prophets. The volume contains three lectures, one of which has been divided into two parts, together...
"Social Justice in Islam" is perhaps the best known work of Sayyib Qutb, a leading figure in the Muslim Brethen of Egypt who was executed by the regime of 'Abd al-Nasr in 1966. Despite the years that have passed since Sayyid Qutb's death, the imprint of his thought on the contemporary Islamic movements of the Arab world remains profound. The Arabic original of "Social Justice in Islam" was first published in 1949, but this book in particular retains...
Meet Roha, Mahad, Ali and Shiza as they get ready to play an active role in Ramadan this year and form the Ramadan Avengers. This bedtime story explains the concept of giving money to those in need and performing acts of kindness, not wasting food and the importance of being loving, kind and generous with others. Many values come through the children's behaviour and their enthusiasm to help is geniune. Suitable for children 3-12 years or age.
Muhammad: the man who transformed Arabia. The man whose life in some measure determines the everyday behaviour of more than a billion of his followers across the world. And yet a man it is difficult to know. As the author of this book points out, biographies of Muhammad have tended to present him either as a man who could do nothing right or else as a man who could do nothing wrong. Somewhere in between is the real Muhammad.
Lorsque la première édition de Fichu voile est parue en 2011, la question du voile se posait déjà sur le terrain scolaire, mais également dans la fonction publique et au parlement. La loi d'interdiction du voile intégral était alors en gestation. Dix ans plus tard, les mêmes questions restent en suspens, mais d'autres s'y sont ajoutées : le voilement des fillettes se répand, les tenues de sport à connotation religieuse se multiplient, et...
Islam was founded on ideals of compassion, justice, and peace. Islam's sacred book, the Quran, places a strong emphasis on the value of social harmony and peace. It teaches Muslims how to bring about peace and settle disputes through communication and understanding. Islam encourages its followers to work for a just society where everyone is treated fairly and equally.
Five times a day, close to a billion people turn to the Ka'aba in submission to Allah/God. In the seventeenth century the religion of Islam was revealed to the prophet Mohammad through the Holy Koran. Since then, Islam has spread to every center of the world. Starting with the life of the prophet Mohammed, Islam For Beginners details the historic beginnings of Islam and its spread throughout the Middle East and Africa on to the European and American...
Over the past few decades, a new form of Orientalism has been developing. As exemplified by Elie Kedourie and Bernard Lewis, it points to Islam as the West's archenemy. The rise of political Islam and its opposition to Western domination of the Islamic world are seen as evidence of a deep, abiding hatred of all things Western. Accordingly, the new Orientalists call for thorough reforms, among them regime changes, wars, and the imposition of 'democracy'...
At the time of his death in 1979, Ayatullah Taleghani was chairman of Iran's Revolutionary Council, a member of the Assembly of Experts elected to draft a constitution for a new Islamic Republic, and also leader of Friday prayers in Tehran. He had just delivered seven lectures on the Qur'an for television. He had recently travelled to northern Iran to mediate in conflicts with the Kurds. A fe months before that, in what were the final weeks of the...
At a time unparalleled in history, humanity faces a threat of universal nuclear doomsday with an end result of total annihilation of life on earth. Being an enthusiast for global peace, with an extensive research background, Yousuf Gabriel explores the root cause of the nuclear problem. Probing deep into the realms of theology, philosophy, atomism, nuclear science, literature, and history, amid a mist of mystification regarding universal nuclear dilemma,...
"One of Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles for 2003" Sohail H. Hashmi is Alumnae Foundation Associate Professor of International Relations at Mount Holyoke College. He is the coeditor, with David Miller, of Boundaries and Justice (Princeton) and is currently coediting, with Steven Lee, a book on ethics and weapons of mass destruction. Jack Miles is the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book, God: A Biography.
One of the most dynamic aspects...
Imam al-Ghazali explores the meaning and significance of fraternity in Islam in this brilliant essay from his seminal work, The Revival of the Religious Sciences, which covers material assistance, personal aid, holding one's tongue, speaking out, forgiveness, loyalty, sincerity, and informality.
Although relatively unknown in the West, Islam has been forcefully, brought to the public's attention by the acts and threats of the "Islamic terrorists." As a result, the question is repeatedly, asked: "What kind of religion is this?" Stoddart argues that in spite of appearances, Muslims are in fact allies with people of other faiths; they have common enemies and they are, united in their opposition to all kinds of modern errors and immoralities,...
This book presents beautiful advice from the Quran, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and Islam's greatest scholars on guidance, repentance, and purification. Bukhari records on the authority of Abu-Hurayrah that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "Your actions alone will not save any of you." They asked: "Messenger of Allah, not even you?" He replied: "Not even me, unless Allah were to envelop me in His mercy."
Academic, theological and cultural discussions on fundamentalism are overwhelmingly dominated by a discourse on the need for 'modernization and development' in the Muslim world. Yet, the crude distinction between East and West, religious and non-religious, Muslim and modern frequently fails to understand the undercurrents of psychological thought patterns in modern forms of fundamentalism. If we genuinely want to have a deeper understanding of contemporary...
Taking us inside the world of the madrasa–the most common type of school for religious instruction in the Islamic world–Ebrahim Moosa provides an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to understand orthodox Islam in global affairs. Focusing on postsecondary-level religious institutions in the Indo-Pakistan heartlands, Moosa explains how a madrasa can simultaneously be a place of learning revered by many and an institution feared by many others,...
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