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El gran Gatsby es una de las novelas más importantes del siglo XX y una de la más grandes historias de amor de todos los tiempos, cuyo protagonista ha sido encarnado por actores como Leonardo DiCaprio y Robert Redford.⍾La novela se ubica en los felices años veinte, un momento de optimismo inusitado pasada la Primera Guerra Mundial y la pandemia de gripe española, que, a la par de la Prohibición, produjo un estallido de riqueza y de nuevos magnates....
Un joven científico, para asombro e incredulidad de sus colegas y otros expertos, ha desarrollado una máquina que le permite hacer realidad uno de los sueños más antiguos de la humanidad: vivir en una época distinta a la suya.
H. G. Wells logra con su libro La máquina del tiempo, el primer relato, y el más acabado, de viajes en el tiempo. En los momentos fundacionales de la ciencia ficción aborda con maestría uno de los temas más recurrentes...
3) El proceso
"El proceso" narra la historia de un hombre, Joseph K., detenido el día de su 30 cumpleaños bajo una acusación que ignora. Es más, ni sus captores ni su abogado, ni siquiera los jueces que llevan su caso, conocen cuál es la causa. K. se convierte desde ese mismo instante en objeto de una maraña legal y jurídica que nadie parece controlar realmente, pero que todos respetan y a la que todos se someten.
Todos excepto K., incapaz de aceptar un...
Este libro explora lo fantástico en la literatura peruana a través de un conjunto de ensayos dedicados a Clemente Palma, Abraham Valdelomar, César Vallejo, Julio Ramón Ribeyro, Luis Loayza, José Durand, Manuel Mejía Valera, José B. Adolph, Rodolfo Hinostroza, Harry Belevan, Carlos Calderón Fajardo y Enrique Prochazka; quienes contribuyen a la narrativa que cuestiona los usos realistas habituales.
A fines del siglo XIX, la ciencia no era todavía como la conocemos hoy. Lejos de ser sólo un saber de especialistas, formaba parte también del universo cotidiano de las personas. Presente en todas las formas de difusión destinadas al gran público, fascinaba a quienes se dejaban encantar por sus promesas de cambio y por los potenciales mundos que permitía imaginar.
En este original libro, Soledad Quereilhac reconstruye ese clima de época que...
Allí apareció, espada en mano, Conan el cimerio, de pelo negro y mirada taciturna, ladrón, saqueador y asesino, tan desbordante de melancolía como de júbilo, dispuesto a hollar con sus sandalias los engalanados tronos de la Tierra.
Las Crónicas Nemedias
Así se iniciaba «El Fénix en la espada», el relato que dio a conocer al más famoso de los héroes bárbaros. Durante los siguientes cuatro años, Robert E. Howard iría narrando la peripecia...
The first single-volume study of an important Lewis novel… C. S. Lewis considered his novel Perelandra (1943) among his best works. A triumph of imaginative science fiction, Perelandra-the second volume of Lewis's "Space Trilogy"-is also theologically ambitious. C. S. Lewis's Perelandra: Reshaping the Image of the Cosmos explores how the novel synthesizes the three traditions of cosmology, mythology, and Christianity. The first group of essays considers...
Mark Payne is the Chester D. Tripp Professor in the Departments of Classics and Comparative Literature, the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought, and the College at the University of Chicago. His books include Theocritus and the Invention of Fiction, The Animal Part, and Hontology.
An exploration of postapocalyptic fiction, from antiquity to today, and its connections to political theory and other literary genres
The literary lineage of postapocalyptic...
The papers focus on the theme of love and relationships in fantasy and science fiction, in all their forms, in different media.
Featuring papers from Josephine Maria Yanasak- Leszczynski, Cheryl Wollner, Cheryl Morgan, AJ Dalton, Tatiana Fajardo, Christina Lake, Lynn O'Connacht, Steph P. Bianchini, Ezeiyoke Chukwunonso, Barbara Stevenson, Dr. Ester Torredelforth.
Death and Immortality in Middle-earth: Proceedings of The Tolkien Society Seminar 2016
J.R.R. Tolkien deplored allegory and rejected any suggestion that The Lord of the Rings has an inner meaning or message. In reading back the tale, however, he became aware of a dominant motif: 'The real theme for me is… Death and Immortality: the mystery of the love of the world in the hearts of a race "doomed" to leave and seemingly lose it; the anguish in the...
Science Fantasy blends science fiction AND fantasy, so it tends to be bolder and more highly colored than pure science fiction. In the middle of the last century, the British magazine SCIENCE FANTASY created its own distinctive strains of fantasy narrative, most famously by such writers as Brian W. Aldiss, J. G. Ballard, John Brunner, Michael Moorcock, and Thomas Burnett Swann, among others. This book looks closely at the whole trajectory of that...
A cultural history of science and science fiction. Using key canonical science fiction narratives, Mesmerists, Monsters, and Machines examines the intersection of the literary and scientific cultures of the nineteenth century. In this original and refreshing approach to the study of early science fiction, author Martin Willis maintains that science fiction was just as important in defining the culture of the nineteenth century as other critics maintain...
Les monstres ont toujours existé, et on les représente au moins depuis l'Antiquité. Pourtant, ce terme qui était populaire il y a quelques décennies à peine est rarement énoncé de nos jours, sauf — essentiellement — dans une perspective morale (ou moralisatrice). On peut néanmoins trouver un sens à la monstruosité; mais comment la définir de la manière la plus neutre possible ? On pourrait avancer, prudemment, qu'il s'agit d'un écart...
14) Uncanny Bodies
One hundred years ago Freud's definition of the uncanny was 'not the strange, but the familiar become strange'. In this anthology of new work from a range of writers and academics, the uncanny is a place where you feel at home – until home turns against you. It's a city where the streets can't join up. The uncanny alienates your own body from you through medical advances, such as prosthetic limbs or cardiac defibrillators. The 'uncanny valley' is...
The papers focus on the theme of worldbuilding in fantasy and science fiction, in all its forms, in different media. Featuring papers from Ricardo Victoria-Uribe and Martha Elba González- Alcaraz, Allen Stroud, Sarah McPherson, Sébastien Doubinsky, Cheryl Morgan, Peter Garrett, Eugen Bacon, Octavia Cade, Enrico Spadaro, Tatiana Fajardo, Claire Burgess, Ellen Forget, Kevin Cooney, Jyrki Korpua, Rachel Jones.
This volume of proceedings contains papers from the largest and, perhaps, most diverse Tolkien Society Seminar to date.
Following a much-contested Call for Papers, 'Tolkien the Pagan? Reading Middle-earth through a Spiritual Lens' explores Tolkien's complex use of religious ideology, the readers' approach to their beloved fictional world via unusual spiritual and philosophical channels, and how Middle-earth almost became a faith unto itself.
Like its pioneering predecessor, the one-volume review published in 1952 by William F. Nolan, The New Ray Bradbury Review contains articles and reviews about Bradbury but has a much broader scope, including a thematic focus for each issue. Since Nolan composed his slim volume at the beginning of Bradbury's career, Bradbury has birthed hundreds of stories and half a dozen novels, making him one of this country's most anthologized authors. While his...
19) After the Avengers: From Joss Whedon's Hottest, Newest Franchises to the Future of the Whedonverse
With contributions from professors, scholars, bloggers, playwrights, and novelists from Australia, the Netherlands, Canada, and Great Britain, as well as the US, this collection explores recent additions to the multifaceted Whedonverse. But it doesn't stop there. Above all comes the question "What's Next?" How will Whedon adapt other Shakespeares like Hamlet and Twelfth Night, seeing that he hates to make the same project twice? Will he offer a female...
The First and Second Ages within Tolkien's legendarium feel like a time far removed from that of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings even though they constitute the underpinnings of J.R.R. Tolkien's entire mythology.
This book explores those underpinnings and in particular the nature of good and evil, creators and destroyers, and the very foundations of the world itself. It is a diverse collection of four articles, which will no doubt cause the...
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