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Camille Lammenais has grown up in the beauty of the Napa Valley, surrounded by acres of her family's vineyards. Her parents, Christophe and Joy, still deeply in love after two decades of marriage, have built a renowned winery and château modeled after Christophe's ancient family estate in his native Bordeaux. Camille has had a perfect childhood, safe in her parents' love. After graduating from Stanford, she returns to help manage Château Joy, her...
Plaza Janés
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291 pages cm
"Christophe y Joy eran una pareja profundamente enamorada cuando convirtieron su suntuosa propiedad en California en una pequeña bodega de prestigio. En ese entorno de ensueño criaron a Camille, su única hija, que no tardará en regresar tras terminar los estudios para ayudar con el negocio familiar."
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